126 funds match your criteria

126 funds match your criteria

126 funds match your criteria

Exterior photo of the IU Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center

IU Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center

Your gift supports research, education, and clinical programs of the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Dr. Rafat Abonour stands with his bicycle

Miles for Myeloma Fund

Support research and enhanced patient care for those living with myeloma, a rare blood cancer.
An exterior shot of Lindley Hall, home to the Kinsey Institute, on the Indiana University Bloomington campus.

Kinsey Institute

Gifts support the Kinsey Institute, the trusted source for scientific knowledge and research on critical issues in sexuality, gender, and reproduction.

100 Voices of Hope Fund

Your gift funds inspirational research at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center in the Vera Bradley Foundation Center for Breast Cancer Research.
Abstract flower artwork.

Kinsey Institute Research Fund

Support the Kinsey Institute’s research in the science of sexuality, gender, relationships, and wellbeing with resources needed for new discoveries.
Two images, from left: Exterior of the Collins Living-Learning Center, and two students posing with hand-made ceramic bowls.

Collins Living-Learning Center Fund

Support an enriching campus community where students can access value-added resources such as arts facilities, media equipment, enhanced programming, and more.
A close-up of a purple-gloved hand holding an instrument that's examining a petri dish.

Cancer Survivorship Research Program

Gifts to this fund support research that helps us better understand and prevent the consequences of cancer treatments.
A group listens to a docent at the Dr. Caroline Beebe Gallery on the IU Bloomington campus.

Kinsey Institute Collections Fund

Help the Kinsey Institute maintain its valued research collections and increase their diversity and accessibility.
Staff members of the Komen Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center

Komen Tissue Bank

Your gift supports the collection of normal breast tissue and blood samples from more than 6,000 women and research utilizing these samples.
Race car with Simon Cancer Center advertised on it.

Accelerating Cancer Research Fund

Your gift will support expenses for cancer research focused on early detection and prevention, including awareness efforts, clinical trials, and more.
A researcher in a lab at the IU School of Medicine's Stark Neurosciences Research Institute.

Stark Neurosciences Research Institute Fund

Your gifts support SNRI's ongoing work to expand knowledge of the brain and the central nervous system as a whole.
A man in a wheelchair is embraced by another man.

Disability and Sexual Health Initiative Fund

Support research on the intimate lives and sexual well-being of people with disabilities.