118 funds match your criteria

118 funds match your criteria

118 funds match your criteria

A view into the woods on campus.

Indiana University Woodland Campuses Initiative

Your gift supports the care, planting, protection, maintenance, stewardship, and inventory of trees and groves across all IU campuses.
Architectural rendering of the exterior of the new IU School of Medicine Medical Education Building.

IU School of Medicine Medical Education Building and Research Tower

Your gift supports the creation of a modern medical education home and a research hub in Indianapolis.
Aerial photo of the Ray E. Cramer Marching Hundred Hall building.

Marching Hundred Hall Fund

Your gift supports the success of IU's Marching Hundred, one of IU's most spirited and treasured traditions.
IU Kokomo Student Activities and Events Center

IU Kokomo Student Activities and Events Center

Help us create a more vibrant and engaging campus experience for our students and community members.
Parkside Hall Concept Renderings

Dwyer Healthcare Simulation Center Construction Fund

Support the planning, design, and construction of a high-tech simulation center for training health sciences students and health care professionals.
An entrance sign outside the IU Northwest Community Garden.

IU Northwest Community Garden Fund

Gifts to this fund will be used to support the IU Northwest Community Garden, which is committed to education, health, and physical well-being.

Graduate Prosthodontics Clinic Renovation

Gifts will support renovation of the Graduate Prosthodontics Clinic at the School of Dentistry.

IUPUI "Welcoming Campus"

Gifts will support the Welcoming Campus initiative on the IUPUI campus

Bloomington Campus Tree Restoration

Gifts to this account will be used to support restoration and replacement of trees on the Bloomington campus as a result of natural disaster.

Athletic Department Capital Project Fund

Gifts to this account will be used to support Indiana University Athletics capital renovations, improvements, and equipment needs.

Dick Yoakam Technology Fund

Income from these gifts will support equipment needs for programs associated with the undergraduate and/or graduate Media major in The Media School within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Geology Field Station Maintenance

Gifts to this account will be used in case of emergencies as defined by the Department, and maintenance, upkeep, and improvements on the Field Station physical plant.