168 funds match your criteria

168 funds match your criteria

168 funds match your criteria

A pediatric physician works with a child patient in an exam room.

Helveston-Ellis Professorship in Pediatric Ophthalmology

Income from gifts will support a faculty member in the Dept. of Ophthalmology committed to teaching and mentoring future pediatric ophthalmologists.
John Cleland with Dr. Einhorn dressed in suites stand together.

John Cleland Testis Cancer Fellowship

Gifts to this fund promote fellows' ongoing training in testis cancer research.
Francesca Duncan, MD, MS

Dr. Mark Farber Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellow

Your gift helps provide training and support of current and future fellows in the field of respiratory health.
Stuart Sherman, MD

Stuart Sherman Professorship in Gastroenterology

This professorship provides support for research in advanced gastrointestinal endoscopy at IU School of Medicine.

Eric S. Williams, M.D. Cardiovascular Fellowship

The Eric S. Williams, M.D. Cardiovascular Fellowship supports the training and further education of cardiology fellows at the IU School of Medicine.
A black and white portrait of Martha Dawson.

Martha Dawson Faculty Award for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Achievements

Gifts support School of Education awards for faculty who have demonstrated outstanding work related to the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
An exterior shot of the Kazan Cathedral in Moscow, Russia.

Stephen F. Cohen Chair in Russian History

Income from your gift will support a chair in Russian History in the Department of History in the College of Arts and Sciences at IU Bloomington.

Robert & Marilyn Gramelspacher Fellow. in Medical Ethics/Palliative Care

Income from gifts will support fellowships in the IU School of Medicine at IUPUI. Recipients shall be individuals who have demonstrated potential in palliative care or medical ethics & professionalism.

Dr. David Burr Award in Musculoskeletal Research

Gifts will support awards for faculty members engaged in musculoskeletal health research in the Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Stuart A. Kleit Professorship in Nephrology

Income from gifts will support a professorship in the Division of Nephrology within the Department of Medicine at the IU School of Medicine.

Michael A. Kraus Home Dialysis Professorship in Nephrology

Income from gifts will support a professorship in the Division of Nephrology in the Department of Medicine at the IU School of Medicine, the holder of which personally conducts research in the area of dialysis or kidney disease.

Robert K. Stoelting Chair in Anesthesia

Income from gifts will support a Chair in the Department of Anesthesia at the IU School of Medicine.