121 funds match your criteria

121 funds match your criteria

121 funds match your criteria

Indiana University logo on a pole banner

Indiana University Priority Needs

Gifts to this fund offer flexible, unrestricted support of IU, enabling the university to respond to unexpected needs and opportunities in real time.
Parent with two children wearing Indiana University gear.

IU Loyal Alumni Fund

Your gift supports IU Alumni Association programs that strengthen IU and keep alumni connected for life.
Photo of the Rose Well House on the IU Bloomington campus

Well House Society

Support for this fund helps IU’s president address unexpected areas of need and opportunity that might otherwise go unanswered.
Bird flying in a field

Environmental Resilience Institute Fund

Through this fund, you'll help address one of the most urgent issues facing humanity: climate change.
A view into the woods on campus.

Indiana University Woodland Campuses Initiative

Your gift supports the care, planting, protection, maintenance, stewardship, and inventory of trees and groves across all IU campuses.
Illustration of arms and hands in a circle of people of different cultures.

Women's Philanthropy Leadership Council (WPLC) Fund

Your gift supports our annual grantmaking effort, which funds innovative projects, critical needs, and new ventures across all of Indiana University.
A poster for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows fraternal order and a red stole embroidered with the letters F, L, and T.

Center for Fraternal Collections & Research

Gifts to this fund help preserve priceless historical and cultural materials related to fraternal organizations and their membership.
Black IU students celebrating at Commencement

Neal/Marshall Alumni Club Scholarship

Help qualified Black and African American students enjoy the benefits of an Indiana University education.
Little 500 women riders celebrate.

Colloquium for Women of Indiana University Scholarship

Your gift will enable IU Bloomington students who are also Little 500 riders to complete their educations and compete at the highest level.
Students march in a Pride Parade in Indianapolis

LGBTQ+ Alumni Association Student Program and Scholarship Fund

Your gift helps fund scholarships and programs that support LGBTQ+ community members from all Indiana University campuses.
A small group of students wearing matching tee shirts showing various flags from different countries.

Honors Program in Foreign Languages

Help a young person achieve their goals and participate in a once-in-a-lifetime language immersion opportunity.
A reconstructed skeleton of the giant ground sloth "Megajeff" on display.

IU University Collections Fund

Your gift aids in the preservation, stewardship, and public accessibility of IU's 200+ university collections.