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The Indiana University Honors Program in Foreign Languages (IUHPFL) has provided language-intensive summer study-abroad programs for Indiana high school students since 1962.
Participants have opportunities to further their language studies through "total immersion" programs in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Students spend five or six weeks in their respective host countries during the summer after their sophomore, junior, or senior year of high school.
IUHPFL's unique four-pillar structure enables students to participate in a total immersion experience, which includes a combination of:
- Intensive academic instruction
- Mandatory language commitment to speak only in the target language while abroad
- Community engagement activities
- Full-time integration into a host family
IUHPFL helps participants make significant strides toward mastering their target languages and gain exceptional knowledge and understanding of their host cultures and communities. In addition to daily academic instruction, students participate in community-based activities and enjoy memorable excursions to historical and cultural destinations.
Your gift will help future participants truly "live their language."
Your giving matters
IUHPFL provides an unparalleled opportunity for young adults to experience a world outside their own. They gain an understanding of other locations, languages, and cultures. They make friends within the program and around the host cities. It is a safe, illuminating, giant step into the world.
Parent of an IUHPFL participant
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.