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Additional Info

We face a shortage of pulmonary and critical care physicians in Indiana. Your support can help us address this challenge. Since its inception in the early 1990s, the IU School of Medicine Pulmonary, Critical Care Medicine and Sleep Fellowship has trained more than 100 physicians, with the majority remaining in Indiana for their careers.
Fellowship recipients are both learners and health care providers. While training, fellows provide direct critical care services (with the oversight of IU School of Medicine faculty) to people in central Indiana. During the pandemic, all of these trainees provided care to the most critically ill COVID patients in the state, putting themselves in harm’s way to learn their craft and keep overfilled intensive care units running smoothly. They were, and are, heroes.
Your gift to the IU Pulmonary, Critical Care Medicine and Sleep Fellowship helps enhance trainees' educations and experiences by supporting opportunities such as:
- Travel to national conferences
- Educational programming, including nationally renowned speakers
- Networking and social events
- Mentoring and support programs
Help us to continue providing top-notch pulmonary and critical care training in the state of Indiana by donating to this fellowship today.
Your giving matters
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, these trainees have been the backbone of ICU care at many hospitals throughout central Indiana—and many will remain here to continue their careers caring for Hoosiers.
Gabe Bosslet, MD, MA Fellowship Director | Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, and Occupational Medicine
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.
Gifts will be administered by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. which represents Indiana University, including the IU School of Medicine. This is not a gift to Indiana University Health, and the Indiana University Health Foundation will not play a role in administering these accounts.