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Martha Dawson’s legacy is one of groundbreaking leadership in education. Over nearly 50 years, she advocated tirelessly for equal educational opportunities, developing innovative programs that fostered student learning and success. As the first African American woman to become a tenured professor at IU Bloomington, Martha’s work has had a profound and lasting impact on the education community. She remains a trailblazer in the field, and her vision for inclusive, equitable education continues to inspire future generations.
Your gift in support of the Martha Dawson Faculty Award ensures that her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion will continue to be celebrated and advanced at Indiana University. Thank you for your generous support!
Your giving matters

This award not only elevates the value of the work for which I am incredibly passionate, but also ensures that I can pay it forward to the graduate students and aspiring and established professionals with whom I collaborate as we continue the legacy of those before us.
James Brooks, Martha Dawson Faculty Award recipient Applied Psychology in Education and Research Methodology faculty member at the School of Education
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Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.