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The IUAA Chicago Chapter is committed to serving our community of alumni across the city’s diverse neighborhoods and suburban areas by providing various opportunities to connect and give back. Our chapter offers opportunities like community service activities, game watches, professional networking, and fundraising for this scholarship, to name just a few. We are proud to say that our scholarship has been successful in helping Chicago students pursue their dreams of obtaining a top-notch education at Indiana University.
As we all know, Chicago is a city full of promise and drive. We believe that our alumni in the Chicago area have the power to create access and opportunity for the next generations of IU students. By supporting our scholarship program, you are fostering a legacy of learning and providing opportunities for students from our community to become a part of our IU family.
We understand that financial barriers can often stand in the way of students achieving their educational and professional goals. That’s why our scholarship aims to help remove these barriers and allow students to focus on being successful in the classroom and active in campus life. Your support can help us make a difference in the lives of many deserving students!
Your giving matters

When I think of Indiana University, I think of opportunities—the chance to discover yourself, to expand your mind, to find your passion. And when I think of the IUAA Chicago Scholarship, I know that my support is going toward our local community and helping create the leaders and visionaries of tomorrow. Support from my fellow alumni has been critical to my success. I'm honored to have the ability to pay it forward.
Francesca Vanderwall BS'07
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.