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Additional Info
IU School of Medicine scientists and physicians conduct research across a broad swath of medicine, including cancer, cardiovascular, child and adolescent psychiatry, diabetes, immunotherapy, musculoskeletal health, neurosciences, pediatrics, and regenerative medicine, just to name a few areas. Their work leads to the development of new drugs and better therapies that ease suffering, cure disease, and save lives.
Your gift to this fund will give IU School of Medicine greater flexibility to put resources where they are most urgently needed.
Your giving matters
Gifts to medical research are crucial in helping researchers take ideas that are innovative and promising, but have not yet been proven, and develop them into significant discoveries that can have a dramatic impact on the lives of patients.
Tatiana Foroud, PhD Executive Associate Dean for Research Affairs, IU School of Medicine
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.
Gifts will be administered by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. which represents Indiana University, including the IU School of Medicine. This is not a gift to Indiana University Health, and the Indiana University Health Foundation will not play a role in administering these accounts.