IU South Bend School of Education Underrepresented Teacher Scholarship

Indiana University South Bend School of Education

Income from gifts to this endowment will be used to support undergraduate scholarships for students in the IU South Bend School of Education who have graduated from a high school in the Michiana region. Recipient(s) should have a professed commitment to teaching in public schools in St. Joseph and Elkhart counties. Special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, with preference for African American, Hispanic, or Native American male students.

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IU South Bend School of Education Underrepresented Teacher Scholarship

Indiana University South Bend School of Education

Income from gifts to this endowment will be used to support undergraduate scholarships for students in the IU South Bend School of Education who have graduated from a high school in the Michiana region. Recipient(s) should have a professed commitment to teaching in public schools in St. Joseph and Elkhart counties. Special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, with preference for African American, Hispanic, or Native American male students.

Additional Info

IUSB School of Education graduates line up for the ceremony.

Studies show that there is a shortage of minority teachers nationwide. Likewise, there is a significant scarcity of underrepresented teachers—particularly male teachers—in the public schools of Indiana’s Michiana region. There is also a significant disparity between the composition of student populations and that of educators. While the population of minority students in St. Joseph and Elkhart counties is robust and ever-increasing, the population of minority teachers is small and in decline.

The teacher education program at IU South Bend also suffers from low numbers of diverse students, with the vast majority of IU South Bend’s teacher candidates being Caucasian and female. While some progress is being made in the School of Education’s program, the numbers of Black and Native American students are in decline. If this trend continues, the shortage of minority teachers in area schools will become even more drastic.

This scholarship at Indiana University South Bend was established to increase the diversity of the teaching force in the Michiana region. The scholarship is modeled on several proven programs—including the Golden Apple Scholars Program in Illinois, the Call Me Mister Program in South Carolina, and the Teach Tomorrow program in California—which have a strong track record of success with effectively recruiting, retaining, and finding employment for minority teachers who come from diverse communities.

Thank you for supporting this critical and life-changing scholarship program!

Important Disclosures

Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.

This account is an endowment. Your gifts to this fund will be invested in perpetuity to provide annual income to support the purpose of the account. Per Indiana University Foundation, Inc. policy, endowment accounts which do not ultimately become fully funded at the required minimum through pledges/gifts will be converted to an expendable account supporting the same purpose as the original endowed fund.