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Additional Info

This scholarship was created to honor the consistent hard work of Joann Phillips, who is a servant-leader, dedicated to education and community, with an unwavering commitment to social justice. These are qualities for which every social worker strives.
Phillips is a licensed social worker and therapist who holds two master’s degrees—in Liberal Studies and Social Work—from IU South Bend. She has been the Chair of the Human Services Program for Ivy Tech Community College North Central region since 2006. In addition to Ivy Tech, she has taught at IU South Bend, Bethel College, Saint Mary’s College, and at the community college level.
In addition, Phillips has administrative experience in universities and agencies, including serving as marketing director at Lake Michigan College and as alumni director at IU South Bend. She has practiced therapy with Intrigue Counseling of South Bend and has worked part-time at Madison Center, the community's mental health center. Her areas of special interest and research include poverty and the multiple barriers that are faced by vulnerable populations (particularly women and children), and the community resources that serve these populations.
Thank you for honoring Phillips' remarkable work and supporting the social workers of tomorrow!
Your giving matters
Receiving this scholarship allowed me to work a little less while completing my internship and full-time schooling. That enabled me to gain the full educational experience, rather than hurrying through my coursework and rushing off to work. It also alleviated some of the strain of my education on our family's finances. I truly appreciate this opportunity!
Lori Yoder BSW'22, MSW'23
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.
This account is an endowment. Your gifts to this fund will be invested in perpetuity to provide annual income to support the purpose of the account. Per Indiana University Foundation, Inc. policy, endowment accounts which do not ultimately become fully funded at the required minimum through pledges/gifts will be converted to an expendable account supporting the same purpose as the original endowed fund.