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Many of our students have benefitted from this emergency relief fund in a time of need. One student explained that she could only work on weekends and shared how that caused a strain on her budget, especially around low times for waitressing. The emergency relief fund ensured she had gas money to commute back and forth to classes. Another student expressed that they were able to use the funds to secure childcare and to get caught up with their rent payment.
We don’t want these problems to prevent our students from completing their degree, so the emergency relief fund provides critical support to help bridge the gap. Thank you for your generous gift and for supporting our students in times of need.
Your giving matters
The Emergency Relief Fund helped me so much! I was able to pay my car loan for two months, which relieved a great deal of stress, considering I was struggling financially during preparation for Finals Week. This relief helped me stay focused on school, resulting in me passing all my finals!
Grateful beneficiary of the Student Relief Fund
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.