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Additional Info
The School of Medicine plays a central role in the well-being of Indiana. Its network of nine campuses makes it the nation’s largest medical school, serving as a pipeline supplying almost half of the state’s physicians. Its research also advances innovations in care for debilitating diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiovascular disease. And its global health work helps elevate care far beyond the state’s borders.
The IU School of Medicine Fund ensures we have the resources to support ongoing medical education and research priorities. Yet medicine also moves swiftly, and these gifts empower us to capture opportunities as they arise. Together, we will continue to prepare healers and transform health.
Your giving matters

We appreciate every gift. But those made to the IU School of Medicine Fund are especially helpful as they enable us to quickly address challenges or pursue unexpected opportunities.
Jay L. Hess Dean, IU School of Medicine
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.
Gifts will be administered by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. which represents Indiana University, including the IU School of Medicine. This is not a gift to Indiana University Health, and the Indiana University Health Foundation will not play a role in administering these accounts.