Cosmic Wonder Media Arts and Science Creature Design Class Fund

Informatics, Computing and Engineering - Indianapolis

Step into the cosmic wonder of creativity! Our Media Arts and Science program is a beacon for students passionate about this unique field. Your generous contributions support the creature design class in Media Arts and Science within the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering on the Indianapolis campus, fueling our mission to elevate this emerging area of study.

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Cosmic Wonder Media Arts and Science Creature Design Class Fund

Informatics, Computing and Engineering - Indianapolis

Step into the cosmic wonder of creativity! Our Media Arts and Science program is a beacon for students passionate about this unique field. Your generous contributions support the creature design class in Media Arts and Science within the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering on the Indianapolis campus, fueling our mission to elevate this emerging area of study.

Additional Info

A male student draws with a stylus pen on a computer screen.

Imagine the impact as your gift breathes life into the creature design class at the Luddy School in Indianapolis. Funds can support—but are not limited to—student scholarships, captivating outreach events, and a designated space for displaying creature design. Together, we’ll create a space where imagination takes flight.

*Artwork in primary image provided by Josie Ayers, Chase Benson, Ayris Finchum, Leslie Nichols, Tyler Oser, and Adison Seagraves.

Your giving matters

The Creature Design class at Indiana University Indianapolis is truly one of a kind. I am so incredibly grateful for having had the opportunity to experience this education. Creature Design as a subject is rare within higher education. But without creatures, how can the worlds we create feel whole? This class is unique because it can be repeated multiple times. Novice, intermediate, and advanced students all have the exceptional opportunity to create new creatures together in shared classes. That kind of learning environment encouraged and developed my artistry far beyond my expectations. In each class I took, I was presented with uniquely innovative ideas, experiences, and creatures.

Anonymous MAS Creature Design Student

Important Disclosures

Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.

In July 2024, IUPUI will become Indiana University Indianapolis and will no longer be affiliated with Purdue University. The Indiana University Foundation, Inc. will update all fund titles and fund descriptions for IUPUI funds to reflect this change, and funds intended for Purdue’s School of Engineering and Technology will be transferred to Purdue under the agreement between IU and Purdue. Until July 2024, gifts to this fund will continue to be administered by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc., on behalf of IUPUI.