Make a gift
Additional Info
Income from gifts to this fund can be used to support needs and opportunities of the department, including initiatives such as:
- The Department of Philosophy Colloquium Series, which brings in top philosophy professors from around the country and world to speak to our students.
- The Department of Philosophy Graduate Colloquium Series, a graduate students-only colloquium for graduates to present their work at any stage of its development. This can be a seminar paper, a dissertation chapter, a qualifying paper, a paper for a conference, or just a work in progress. It's a great opportunity to get feedback on their work while presenting in a friendly, low-stakes environment.
Your support provides opportunities like these (and others) for students to receive philosophical training that offers the perspective and flexibility needed in a rapidly changing world. Thank you!
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.
This account is an endowment. Your gifts to this fund will be invested in perpetuity to provide annual income to support the purpose of the account. Per Indiana University Foundation, Inc. policy, endowment accounts which do not ultimately become fully funded at the required minimum through pledges/gifts will be converted to an expendable account supporting the same purpose as the original endowed fund.