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Crimson Cupboard, IU Bloomington’s food pantry, supports students and members of the IU community who are experiencing food insecurity. Stocked by donations and staffed by volunteers, this special food pantry lessens the effects of food insecurity in our community. Thank you for your support of these students and community members!
Your giving matters

Before I came to college, I didn’t know that people didn’t have groceries. I had friends who I met in my dorm freshmen year . . . who didn’t eat because they didn’t have meal points or because their parents didn’t have money to send them to buy groceries. This is a necessity.
Mercedes M. Jones, BS’16 Founder of the Crimson Cupboard
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.