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Together with our partners, we have become a national model for how universities can support the needs and futures of rural residents and communities. We are:
- expanding access to care with increased chronic disease screenings, mental health and addictions interventions, and maternal and child health programs
- developing greater rural resilience with innovative food, water, and public lands initiatives
- building rural spaces residents love with attainable and sustainable housing and creative placemaking projects, while also developing community capacity and leadership
Through the center’s work, IU students are developing professional pathways here in Indiana. These collaborations are helping them stay here in the Hoosier state after graduation, contributing to our communities into the future.
Your support is key to growing our thriving initiatives. Join us to improve the lives and opportunities of Hoosiers through the discovery and deployment of evidence-based, informed, and scalable solutions to common challenges facing rural communities.
Your giving matters
Hopefully we’re making an impact in [the patients’] lives, but they are also making an impact in ours. By having this experience, we are able to see rural communities and what their needs are, rather than reading about them in statistics or a book.
IU nursing student who worked in the rural health screenings initiative
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.