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Partners in the Dean’s Fund provide unrestricted support for the IU Jacobs School of Music.
Your investment allows our students to travel to competitions and conferences, as well as experience master classes and on-campus performances featuring world-renowned artists and educators. Gifts to this fund may be used for the Jacobs School to engage with world-class composers, librettists, and artistic teams—producing superb performances.
Recently, the Dean's Fund also provided resources for the mental health and well-being of our students, and bolstered the school's commitment to cultivating and embracing opportunities to foster a community of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Another recent example of funding provided was travel assistance for David Lai, a Jacobs doctoral student, to attend a competition in New York. As a blind musician, David needed funding to support taking his mother along to help navigate the trip. You can hear his immense gratitude in the quote in the following section.
These are just a few of the remarkable experiences and opportunities you make possible through your investment in the Dean’s Fund. Thank you for helping us provide opportunities like this for our incredibly talented students.
Your giving matters

As a completely blind international student … the thought of traveling to New York City and the expenses associated with it looked daunting. I am very grateful to the donors of the Dean’s Fund for covering our travel expenses and helping me strive forward in developing my talents as a musician. With this major concern settled, I concentrated on playing my best.
David Lai Jacobs doctoral student
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.