Wylie House Museum Collections Fund

Indiana University Libraries General

Gifts made to the Wylie House Museum Collections Fund support the care and preservation of the museum’s current collections as well as the acquisition of historic artifacts and contemporary works of art. This fund helps the museum maintain its oldest and most fragile, original Wylie family pieces. It also assists in interpreting the historic home and the people associated with its history through the purchase of reproductions and newly commissioned works.

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Wylie House Museum Collections Fund

Indiana University Libraries General

Gifts made to the Wylie House Museum Collections Fund support the care and preservation of the museum’s current collections as well as the acquisition of historic artifacts and contemporary works of art. This fund helps the museum maintain its oldest and most fragile, original Wylie family pieces. It also assists in interpreting the historic home and the people associated with its history through the purchase of reproductions and newly commissioned works.

Additional Info

A woman in a gray dress stands inside a room, leaning over and touching a gold statue, which is a piece of her art.

Wylie House Museum is committed to the best practices and standards that guide collection management. Its 19th century artifacts contribute to its historical integrity and provide visitors with an immersive educational experience, so caring for them well is critical. The Collections Fund enables the museum to work with conservation and restoration specialists to conserve and preserve these pieces. The fund can also be used to purchase the materials needed to teach IU students how to properly display, clean, and store the objects.

This fund plays a significant role in the museum’s commitment to caring for and preserving its 19th century objects, as well as interpreting their history with 21st century knowledge. The initial gift that established the Wylie House Museum Collections Fund facilitated the acquisition of select pieces from the 2020 exhibition entitled Call and Response: Creative Interpretations of the Wylie House. The art helps to fill important gaps in the historical narrative. This is particularly true for the people for whom little archival or material objects remain: the Native Americans who called the region home prior to the Wylie families, the Black resident of the household, the LGBTQ+ members of the family and community, and the local immigrant communities.

Thank you for generously supporting all of this vital work!

Primary image courtesy of Wylie House Museum. Secondary image courtesy of Ethan Gill.

Important Disclosures

Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.