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Additional Info
Indiana University is widely recognized as one of the world's premiere centers for animal behavior research. We also administer a well-recognized academic program in animal behavior, which provides unique and valuable training opportunities to prepare students for careers in animal behavior research and/or applied animal behavior.
This multipurpose fund supports a wide array of opportunities, such as:
- Providing travel funds for graduate and undergraduate student researchers
- Supporting summer research experiences for our undergraduate Animal Behavior majors
- Providing summer scholarships for internships
- Supporting research experiences for our undergraduate Animal Behavior majors
- Providing fellowships for graduate students studying animal behavior
- Funding our speaker series and annual Animal Behavior Conference
When you give to this fund, you help our students gain valuable experience through advanced training and research opportunities in a collaborative, student-centered environment. Thank you!
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.