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Additional Info

The Lilly Library started in 1954, when Josiah Kirby Lilly Jr. began donating his world-renowned collection of books and manuscripts to Indiana University. Among the texts were a first printing of the Declaration of Independence, John James Audubon’s The Birds of America: From Original Drawings, and a rare collection of William Shakespeare’s work known as the “First Folio.” To honor and preserve the remarkable gift—and recognize the Lilly family's contributions to IU—the Lilly Library opened in 1960. As J.K. Lilly Jr. did with his initial collection, the Lilly Library assures the ongoing preservation of and access to the arts and cultural accomplishments of the human story. Your generosity helps solidify that commitment.
Recognized as one of the most significant and accessible collections in the world, Lilly Library holdings include nearly 500,000 books, more than 150,000 pieces of sheet music, and more than 8.5 million manuscripts. Every year, Lilly librarians enrich courses on the IU Bloomington campus by hosting over 300 instructional sessions. IU faculty from a multitude of disciplines collaborate with Lilly librarians so students can work directly with the collections to gain insight, apply research skills, and enjoy unique experiences with historic artifacts. Thanks to the Lilly Library, librarians and faculty can bring the past to life for thousands of IU students, from nearly every academic subject area on campus. In addition to serving students and faculty, Lilly Library also hosts researchers and scholars from outside Bloomington.
Your giving matters
For archivally trained scholars like me, the Lilly Library is the heart and soul of our campus. But the truth is that it wasn’t just created to delight the scholar. Among the world’s top rare books and manuscripts libraries, the Lilly is the most relentlessly public one, committed to making its treasures available to any and all visitors.
Christoph Irmscher Distinguished Professor of English, Director of Wells Scholars Program
Important Disclosures
Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.