Make a gift

Please find and select the fund(s) you want to support.

26 funds match your criteria
26 funds match your criteria
26 funds match your criteria

Adult Cardiac Surgery Research Fund

Gifts will support adult cardiac surgery research in the Department of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Burn Treatment Facility

Gifts will support education and research relating to all types of burn care and treatment in the Section of Plastic Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Cavopulmonary Assist for Single Ventricle Heart Disease Research Fund

Gifts will support research and development of cavopulmonary assist concepts in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the IU School of Medicine.
A surgical student observes two surgeons performing a procedure.

Department of Surgery Fund

This fund provides general support for the Department of Surgery, including research, educational programs, and other critical needs.

General Surgery Gift Fund

Gifts will support the Section of General Surgery in the Department of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Indiana University Kenya Surgery Fund

Gifts will support the residency training partnership between the Department of Surgery and Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya.

Pediatric Surgery Gift Fund

Gifts will support the Pediatric Surgery Section of the Department of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Pediatric Surgery Research Fund

Gifts will support pediatric surgery research in the Department of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Plastic Surgery Gifts

Gifts will support the Plastic Surgery Division of the Department of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Plastic Surgery Research Fund

Gifts will support plastic surgery research in the Department of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Surgical Trauma and Critical Care Research Fund

Gifts will support surgical trauma and critical care research in the General Surgery Section of the Department of Surgery at the IU School of Medicine.

Thoracic Surgery Research Fund

Gifts will support thoracic surgery research in the Department of Surgery at the IU School of Medicine.