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The Olamot Center partners with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and works in collaboration with other Israeli academic and research institutions to support the diversity of Israeli academic and cultural communities.
In addition to translating the works of Israeli scholars, the center features a visiting scholar program and a renewable yearlong postdoctoral fellowship supported by Melanie and Andrew Goodman. Each year, we invite faculty or artists from Israel to Indiana University to teach and participate in the academic community of IU Bloomington and the Borns Jewish Studies Program. Intended to create opportunities for both young and established scholars, the fellowship enables recipients to develop a presence in the American academic world and to take advantage of the vast resources for research available on the Bloomington campus. The post-doctoral fellow teaches undergraduate classes about Israeli society and culture for the Borns Jewish Studies Program. Olamot also hosts leading Israeli scholars and artists who present their cutting-edge research, literature, or films, providing a window into Israeli society.
Thank you for supporting this vital work!
Your giving matters
The visiting Melanie and Andrew Goodman Postdoctoral Fellow's class gave me the tools I needed to be a student leader on campus. The course was extremely helpful, challenging me to work hard, while ensuring that I was engaged. It has been my favorite course at Indiana University.
Sophie Shafran Jewish Studies certificate student
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