Liberal Arts Dean's Priorities Fund

IU School of Liberal Arts

Help build the foundation for the next generation of IU School of Liberal Arts graduates. With your generosity, liberal arts students will receive scholarships and services to equip them for success in whatever career they choose. Gifts to this fund will support the IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis at the discretion of the Dean.

Make a gift

Liberal Arts Dean's Priorities Fund

IU School of Liberal Arts

Help build the foundation for the next generation of IU School of Liberal Arts graduates. With your generosity, liberal arts students will receive scholarships and services to equip them for success in whatever career they choose. Gifts to this fund will support the IU School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis at the discretion of the Dean.

Additional Info

Support from the Liberal Arts Dean’s Priorities Fund may be used for student recruitment and retention, student scholarships, and other priority needs of the School of Liberal Arts. This fund will allow the School’s leadership the flexibility to address the most pressing needs of the School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis. This type of support is critical to the overall success of the program as it ensures the School may continue to enjoy its reputation as a nationally recognized leader in the development of higher education.

Important Disclosures

Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.

In July 2024, IUPUI will become Indiana University Indianapolis and will no longer be affiliated with Purdue University. The Indiana University Foundation, Inc. will update all fund titles and fund descriptions for IUPUI funds to reflect this change, and funds intended for Purdue’s School of Engineering and Technology will be transferred to Purdue under the agreement between IU and Purdue. Until July 2024, gifts to this fund will continue to be administered by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc., on behalf of IUPUI.