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Current health care simulation technology at IU South Bend has reached the end of its life cycle. Building our capacity in simulation technology through a modern, hands-on laboratory is a priority need for the Vera Z. Dwyer College of Health Sciences. The new simulation and innovation center will also fulfill clinical education needs for programs in health sciences, radiography, medical imaging, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, medicine, dental hygiene, exercise physiology, social work, and clinical laboratory science.
Our vision also includes working health care professionals. By providing a facility for task training, scenario modeling, and training on emerging trends and emergencies, the simulation center will give local health care professionals access to the highest quality and most current tools in a learning environment that will also include students. This will allow for robust interprofessional simulation and other active learning experiences between students and experienced health care professionals in a realistic and safe clinical environment.
Students from other programs and disciplines beyond the health sciences, as well as community members interested in business innovation and entrepreneurship, will also be served by the center.
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Please note, the name and purpose of the fund displayed on this page constitute the authorized description of the fund by the Indiana University Foundation, Inc. Your gift supports the fund as described herein.